F4- Undisbursed Fund

Rs. in Lakh
SL No Division Agency Work Name Unique Order No System Order No Order Memo No Order Date No of Bills Bill Amount Scheme Requisition Amount Allotment Amount
2 28 96.99 # 96.99 96.99
1 Northern Mechanical Division WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY Infrastructure Cost for SAJNAPARA (REJU), T/W III, under DHUPGURI CCC, [APPLICATION NO. 100000076670, Reference ID : 860268400] 000161 APPLICATIO 04/05/2023 27 95.47 Rejuvenation of Sajnapara Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/09391) 95.47 95.47
2 Northern Mechanical Division DEY ENTERPRISE (BALLY) Supply, installation, commissioning and trial operation of electro-mechanical components for GHASMARI PWSS, TW no I in the district of Jalpaiguri under Northern Mechanical Division, PHE Dte. 000161ORD/000014/2022-202 ORD/000014/2022-2023 282/NMD 26/04/2022 1 1.52 Ghasmari Piped Water Supply Scheme. (SM/08868) 1.52 1.52
Total 28 96.99 # 96.99 96.99