F4- Undisbursed Fund

Rs. in Lakh
SL No Division Agency Work Name Unique Order No System Order No Order Memo No Order Date No of Bills Bill Amount Scheme Requisition Amount Allotment Amount
2 6 744.74 # 744.74 744.74
1 Nadia Arsenic Division I EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, BARASAT HI Restoration charges for road damage restoration work at 16 No. Gopalnagar Railgate to Majhergram Road form Ch. 0.00 KM to 7.10 KM Road damage restoration work of laying of 1000 mm DI pipe line for surface water based PWSS arsenic affected areas of Bagdah 000068 1238/U-3/P 22/08/2024 5 331.95 Surface Water Based PWSS for Arsenic Affected Areas of Bagda and Bongaon Blocks (Including Ranaghat-I, Ranaghat-II Blocks and Bongaon Municipality) (SM/06364) 331.95 331.95
2 Nadia Arsenic Division I G.B. CONSTRUCTION & UMWELT JV Augmentation of Water Treatment Plant, Intake & Rising Main for Surface Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme including augmentation, laying & construction of various components like Laying Distribution System, OHR including Soil Test, Repairing of pump 000068ORD/000279/2023-202 ORD/000279/2023-2024 2730/NAD-I 07/12/2023 1 412.79 AUGMENTATION OF SURFACE WATER BASED PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME FOR HARINGHATA & CHAKDAH (PART) AT CHAKDAHA & HARINGHATA BLOCK UNDER NADIA DISTRICT UBDER NADIA ARSENIC DIVISION-I, P.H.E. DTE. (SM/19042) 412.79 412.79
Total 6 744.74 # 744.74 744.74