F4- Undisbursed Fund

Rs. in Lakh
SL No Division Unique Bill No System Bill No Bill Date Agency Work Name Unique Order No System Order No Order Memo No Order Date Bill Amount Scheme Requisition Amount Requisition Memo No Requisition Memo Date System Allotment No Allotment Date Allotment Number Allotment Amount
18 62.63 # 62.63 # 62.63
1 Malda Mechanical Division 000160BILL/00521/2023-202 BILL/00521/2023-2024 20/04/2023 SUBRATA SAHA Hiring of Inspection vehicle (Diesel driven) for official use of Assistant Engineer-II for the office of the Executive Engineer, Malda Mechanical Division, P.H.E. Dte. 000160ORD/001170/2022-202 ORD/001170/2022-2023 2240./MLMD 01/09/2022 1.13 Khopakati Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/05320) 1.13 733/MLMD 20/04/2023 FAD/000136/2023 25/04/2023 165/DPHE-12/38/ 1.13
2 Malda Mechanical Division 000160BILL/01140/2023-202 BILL/01140/2023-2024 21/07/2023 W.B.S.E.D.C.LTD W.B.S.E.D.C.LTD Quotation charge at P/H No. I of BRAHMANGAON, Harirampur C.C.C in the district of Dakshin Dinajpur Under Malda Mechanical Division PHE Dte. 000160ORD/000286/2023-202 ORD/000286/2023-2024 4003193779 15/07/2023 4.85 BRAHMANGAON PWSS at Harirampur Block, under Balurghat Division, P.H.E. Dte. (SM/11930) 4.85 2287/MLMD 21/07/2023 FAD/001117/2023 24/07/2023 1308/DPHE-12/37 4.85
3 Malda Mechanical Division 000160BILL/01182/2022-202 BILL/01182/2022-2023 21/02/2023 MALDA DISTRICT SERVISE CUM MAR Claim for Bill Against Supply of Stationary for Related under Malda Mechanical Division, P.H.E. Dte 000160ORD/001485/2021-202 ORD/001485/2021-2022 1701/MLMD 19/09/2021 0.69 Rejuvenation of Sludge Removal System and other allied Electro-Mechanical works at WTP of Balupur Water Supply Scheme (SM/05849) 0.69 213/MLMD 21/02/2023 FAD/002537/2022 24/02/2023 3157/DPHE-12/14 0.69
4 Malda Mechanical Division 000160BILL/01681/2024-202 BILL/01681/2024-2025 25/07/2024 RAMCHANDRA BASAK Continuation work- Hiring of Inspection vehicle (Diesel driven) for official use of Assistant Engineer-I under office of the Executive Engineer, Malda Mechanical Division, P.H.E. Dte 000160ORD/000055/2024-202 ORD/000055/2024-2025 1335/MLMD 25/04/2024 0.37 KUMARGANJ SUB-SURFACE WATER BASED PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (SM/18434) 0.37 1924/MLMD 25/07/2024 FAD/001263/2024 29/07/2024 FAD/001263/2024 0.37
5 Malda Mechanical Division 000160BILL/02570/2024-202 BILL/02570/2024-2025 28/11/2024 W.B.S.E.D.C.LTD Quotation for new service connection at KAPASIA PH-I (Itahar ccc) in the district of Uttar Dinajpur under Malda Mechanical Division, PHE Dte. (SM/18341) 000160 4003437449 11/11/2024 5.98 Kapasia Piped Water Supply Scheme at Itahar Block under Uttar Dinajpur District. (SM/18341) 5.98 3770/MLMD 28/11/2024 FAD/002621/2024 03/12/2024 FAD/002621/2024 5.98
6 Malda Mechanical Division 000160BILL/02571/2024-202 BILL/02571/2024-2025 26/11/2024 NITAI PANDEY Continuation work- Hiring of Inspection vehicle (Diesel driven) for official use of Executive Engineer under office of the Executive Engineer, Malda Mechanical Division, P.H.E. Dte. 000160ORD/000068/2024-202 ORD/000068/2024-2025 1343/MLMD 26/04/2024 0.38 AUGMENTATION OF SURFACE WATER BASED PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME FOR MALDAH ARSENIC AREA (NORTHERN & SOUTHERN SECTOR) (SM/18660) 0.38 3803/MLMD 29/11/2024 FAD/002631/2024 03/12/2024 FAD/002631/2024 0.38
7 Malda Mechanical Division 000160BILL/02572/2024-202 BILL/02572/2024-2025 26/11/2024 NITAI PANDEY Continuation work- Hiring of Inspection vehicle (Diesel driven) for official use of Executive Engineer under office of the Executive Engineer, Malda Mechanical Division, P.H.E. Dte. 000160ORD/000068/2024-202 ORD/000068/2024-2025 1343/MLMD 26/04/2024 0.38 AUGMENTATION OF SURFACE WATER BASED PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME FOR MALDAH ARSENIC AREA (NORTHERN & SOUTHERN SECTOR) (SM/18660) 0.38 3803/MLMD 29/11/2024 FAD/002631/2024 03/12/2024 FAD/002631/2024 0.38
8 Malda Mechanical Division 000160BILL/02714/2024-202 BILL/02714/2024-2025 06/12/2024 W.B.S.E.D.C.LTD Quotation for new service connection at Source Aug for SURUN PH-III (Itahar ccc) in the district of Uttar Dinajpur under Malda Mechanical Division, PHE Dte. (SM/12645). 000160 4003543149 28/11/2024 5.14 Source Augmentation for Surun Piped Water Supply Scheme under Itahar Block in the District of Uttar Dinajpur under Raiganj Division P.H.E. Dte. (SM/12645) 5.14 3913/MLMD 06/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 10/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 5.14
9 Malda Mechanical Division 000160BILL/02715/2024-202 BILL/02715/2024-2025 06/12/2024 W.B.S.E.D.C.LTD Quotation for new service connection at PALAIBARI PH-I (Itahar ccc) in the district of Uttar Dinajpur under Malda Mechanical Division, PHE Dte. (SM/18181). 000160 4003543160 02/12/2024 4.06 Palaibari Piped Water Supply Scheme. (SM/18181) 4.06 3913/MLMD 06/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 10/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 4.06
10 Malda Mechanical Division 000160BILL/02716/2024-202 BILL/02716/2024-2025 06/12/2024 W.B.S.E.D.C.LTD Quotation for new service connection at PALAIBARI PH-III (Itahar ccc) in the district of Uttar Dinajpur under Malda Mechanical Division, PHE Dte. (SM/18181) 000160 4003543144 02/12/2024 5.19 Palaibari Piped Water Supply Scheme. (SM/18181) 5.19 3913/MLMD 06/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 10/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 5.19
11 Malda Mechanical Division 000160BILL/02717/2024-202 BILL/02717/2024-2025 06/12/2024 W.B.S.E.D.C.LTD New service connection at KUSHIDA PWSS T/W NOIII Under EE/MLMD PHE DTE DIST. Malda.( kushida c c c) 000160 3004967586 20/11/2024 6.38 Augmentation of Khusida Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/10397) 6.38 3913/MLMD 06/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 10/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 6.38
12 Malda Mechanical Division 000160BILL/02718/2024-202 BILL/02718/2024-2025 06/12/2024 W.B.S.E.D.C.LTD New service connection at kushida PWSS T/W NO IV Under EE/MLMD PHE DTE DIST. Malda.( KUSHIDA c c c) 000160 3004967606 20/11/2024 6.11 Augmentation of Khusida Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/10397) 6.11 3913/MLMD 06/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 10/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 6.11
13 Malda Mechanical Division 000160BILL/02719/2024-202 BILL/02719/2024-2025 06/12/2024 W.B.S.E.D.C.LTD Additional Quotation For Tw-III of Baruna water Supply Scheme, under Kaliyaganj CCC in the District of Uttar Dinajpur. 000160 860318587 02/12/2024 0.6 Source Augmentation for Baruna Piped Water Supply Scheme under Kaliaganj Block in the District of Uttar Dinajpur under Raiganj Division P.H.E. Dte. (SM/12641) 0.6 3913/MLMD 06/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 10/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 0.6
14 Malda Mechanical Division 000160BILL/02720/2024-202 BILL/02720/2024-2025 06/12/2024 W.B.S.E.D.C.LTD Payment for the quotation of PH NO-III of Kushmandi PWSS under Kushmandi CCC 000160 4003534228 25/11/2024 4.49 Augmentation of Ground Water Based Kushmandi Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/12797) 4.49 3913/MLMD 06/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 10/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 4.49
15 Malda Mechanical Division 000160BILL/02721/2024-202 BILL/02721/2024-2025 06/12/2024 W.B.S.E.D.C.LTD Additional Quotation for New Service Connection At Pump House-I Runia Water Supply Scheme In the District of Uttar Dinajajpur. 000160 860318075 29/11/2024 2.4 RUNIA Piped Water Supply Scheme at Raiganj block under uttar Dinajpur district (SM/12109) 2.4 3913/MLMD 06/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 10/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 2.4
16 Malda Mechanical Division 000160BILL/02722/2024-202 BILL/02722/2024-2025 06/12/2024 W.B.S.E.D.C.LTD Additional quotation for TW-II of Khalsi water supply scheme in the district of Uttar Dinajpur. 000160 860309186 29/07/2024 1.72 Khalsi Piped Water Supply Scheme. (SM/18179) 1.72 3913/MLMD 06/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 10/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 1.72
17 Malda Mechanical Division 000160BILL/02723/2024-202 BILL/02723/2024-2025 06/12/2024 W.B.S.E.D.C.LTD Quotation for new service connection at CHHAYGHARA PH-I (Itahar ccc) in the district of Uttar Dinajpur under Malda Mechanical Division, PHE Dte. (SM/18450) 000160 4003420031 11/09/2024 9.2 Chhayghara Piped Water Supply Scheme at Itahar block under Uttar Dinajpur District (SM/18450) 9.2 3913/MLMD 06/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 10/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 9.2
18 Malda Mechanical Division 000160BILL/02724/2024-202 BILL/02724/2024-2025 06/12/2024 W.B.S.E.D.C.LTD Quotation for new service connection at BASRATPUR PH-II (Itahar ccc) in the district of Uttar Dinajpur under Malda Mechanical Division, PHE Dte. (SM/14642) 000160 4003388675 30/04/2024 3.56 Basratpur Piped Water Supply Scheme at Itahar Block under Uttar Dinajpur District. (SM/14642) 3.56 3913/MLMD 06/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 10/12/2024 FAD/002699/2024 3.56
Total 62.63 # 62.63 # 62.63