F4- Undisbursed Fund

Rs. in Lakh
SL No Division Unique Bill No System Bill No Bill Date Agency Work Name Unique Order No System Order No Order Memo No Order Date Bill Amount Scheme Requisition Amount Requisition Memo No Requisition Memo Date System Allotment No Allotment Date Allotment Number Allotment Amount
2 10.13 # 10.13 # 10.13
1 Nadia Division 000010BILL/00651/2024-202 BILL/00651/2024-2025 13/12/2024 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, NADIA HIGH Restoration work of jhama shoulder damaged due to laying of pipe line under JJM project for Mayapur Youth Hostel Road from 0.0 Km to 0.47 Km under Nadia Highway Division-I, P.W.D (Roads) Directorate. 000010 973/KSD 01/07/2024 0.74 SURFACE WATER BASED W/S SCHEME FOR ARSENIC AFFECTED AREAS OF NADIA DISTRICT ZONE II(NORTHERN SECTOR PART-III) TO ACCOMMODATE FHTC UNDER NADIA DIVISION (SM/11548) 0.74 7271/ND 13/12/2024 FAD/002752/2024 18/12/2024 FAD/002752/2024 0.74
2 Nadia Division 000010BILL/00654/2024-202 BILL/00654/2024-2025 13/12/2024 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, NADIA HIGH Restoration work of Core Side in Stretches of Road Damaged due to laying of pipe line under JJM project for Dhubulia Belpukur Road from 0.0 Km to 5.30 Km under Nadia Highway Division-I, P.W.D (Roads) Directorate. 000010 4270/ND 20/08/2024 9.39 SURFACE WATER BASED W/S SCHEME FOR ARSENIC AFFECTED AREAS OF NADIA DISTRICT ZONE I/A (NORTHERN SECTOR PART-III) TO ACCOMMODATE FHTC UNDER NADIA DIVISION (SM/11608) 9.39 7271/ND 13/12/2024 FAD/002752/2024 18/12/2024 FAD/002752/2024 9.39
Total 10.13 # 10.13 # 10.13