Work Order Tracking
Status Report on the Progress and Achievement at Individual Work Order Level

Rs. in Lakh
Sl No. District
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Working Divisions
Schemes for which Work Order has been issued as per PHED-MIS
Scheme Category
Category of Scheme as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Name of AE entrusted Name of JE entrusted System Order No.
System Order Number
WO Number
Manual No. Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
WO Date
Date of Issuance of Work Order
Days of Completion
Target Days for Work Completion as per PHED-MIS
Agency Name
Agency Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Amount of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Payment %
Percentage of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Physical Progress %
Achievement of Physical Progress of the work under this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
11 256.98 22.09 8.6  
1 ALIPURDUAR Alipurduar Division Construction of Office Building for Northern Mechanical Division-II, PHE Dte. at Alipurduar , SM/06172 New Sinking of ODEX-165 T/well & Construction of Northern Mechl. Division Office - II cum Laboratory cum Water Collection Center under Alipurduar Division PHED. ORD/000067/2020-2021 640/ALD 04/09/2020 150 UJJWAL ROY 162.62 0.00 0 0
2 ALIPURDUAR Northern Mechanical Division II Construction of Office Building for Northern Mechanical Division-II, PHE Dte. at Alipurduar , SM/06172 New Internal wiring including Supply and fixing of TPN and SPN DB with allied works at 3rd floor of newly constructed Office building for Office of the Assistant Engineer ,AMSD, PHE.Dte,Alipurduar. ORD/000022/2022-2023 113/AMSD 27/05/2022 15 ALPHA ENTERPRISE 1.17 1.14 97.44 0
3 ALIPURDUAR Northern Mechanical Division II Construction of Office Building for Northern Mechanical Division-II, PHE Dte. at Alipurduar , SM/06172 New Drawing of distribution wiring at 1st Floor and 2 nd floor and Others allied works at newly constructed Office building for Office of the Executive Engineer ,NMD-II ,PHE. Dte, Alipurduar. ORD/000024/2022-2023 628/NMD-II 13/05/2022 30 ALPHA ENTERPRISE 2.89 2.89 100 0
4 ALIPURDUAR Northern Mechanical Division II Construction of Office Building for Northern Mechanical Division-II, PHE Dte. at Alipurduar , SM/06172 New Drawing of Unsheathed Single core stranded Copper Wire at 1st Floor and Others allied works at newly constructed Office building for Office of the Executive Engineer ,NMD-II ,PHE. Dte, Alipurduar. ORD/000025/2022-2023 623/NMD-II 13/05/2022 30 ALPHA ENTERPRISE 2.69 2.66 98.88 0
5 ALIPURDUAR Northern Mechanical Division II Construction of Office Building for Northern Mechanical Division-II, PHE Dte. at Alipurduar , SM/06172 New " Drawing of distribution wiring including earthing arrangement and Others allied works at Ground floor at newly constructed Office building for Office of the Executive Engineer , NMD-II , PHE. Dte, Alipurduar." ORD/000309/2022-2023 636/NMD-II 20/05/2022 30 ALPHA ENTERPRISE 4.22 4.22 100 0
6 ALIPURDUAR Northern Mechanical Division II Construction of Office Building for Northern Mechanical Division-II, PHE Dte. at Alipurduar , SM/06172 New Supply and Delivery of Furniture in the office of the Assistant Engineer in the dist of Coochbehar under CMSD PHE Dte. ORD/000573/2020-2021 1042/CMSD 20/01/2021 15 MUSTAFI CONCERN 0.30 0.00 0 0
7 ALIPURDUAR Northern Mechanical Division II Construction of Office Building for Northern Mechanical Division-II, PHE Dte. at Alipurduar , SM/06172 New Internal illumination system for New Office building of the Executive Engineer, NMD-II, PHE. Dte and Office of the Assistant Engineer, AMSD,PHE Dte Dist-Alipurduar. Assistant Engineer,Alipurduar Mechanical Sub-Division,P Junior Engineer 1, Cooch-Behar Mechanical Sub-Division, ORD/000697/2022-2023 1984/NMD-II 07/12/2022 20 ALPHA ENTERPRISE 6.39 6.39 100 0
8 ALIPURDUAR Northern Mechanical Division II Construction of Office Building for Northern Mechanical Division-II, PHE Dte. at Alipurduar , SM/06172 New Internal wiring arrangement and Others allied works at newly constructed Office building for Office of the Executive Engineer ,NMD-II ,PHE Dte, Alipurduar. ORD/000719/2021-2022 1380/NMD-II 22/12/2021 30 ALPHA ENTERPRISE 4.84 4.79 98.97 0
9 ALIPURDUAR Northern Mechanical Division II Construction of Office Building for Northern Mechanical Division-II, PHE Dte. at Alipurduar , SM/06172 New Construction of Boundary Wall for the office premises of Northern Mechanical Division-II, PHE Dte Assistant Engineer,Alipurduar Mechanical Sub-Division,P Junior Engineer 1, Northern Mechanical Division-II,PHE ORD/000955/2023-2024 2555/NMD-II 17/08/2023 60 WILFUL UNEMPLOYED ENGINEERS CO OPERATIVE SOCIETY LIMITED 11.90 0.00 0 100
10 ALIPURDUAR Northern Mechanical Division II Construction of Office Building for Northern Mechanical Division-II, PHE Dte. at Alipurduar , SM/06172 New Soil investigation work inconnection of construction of office building for the Northern Mechanical Division-II, PHE, Dte. Alipurduar VCH/000752/2019-2020 121/19-20 05/02/2020 SUBIR CHANDRA CHOWDHURY 1.03 0.00 0 0
11 ALIPURDUAR Northern Mechanical Division II Construction of Office Building for Northern Mechanical Division-II, PHE Dte. at Alipurduar , SM/06172 New Sinking of ODEX-165, T/Well and construction of Northern Mech. Division-II cum Laboratory cum water collection center under Alipurduar Division PHED. VCH/001312/2022-2023 null 29/09/2022 UJJWAL ROY 58.93 0.00 0 0
Total 256.99 22.10 8.6