Work Order Tracking
Status Report on the Progress and Achievement at Individual Work Order Level

Rs. in Lakh
Sl No. District
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Working Divisions
Schemes for which Work Order has been issued as per PHED-MIS
Scheme Category
Category of Scheme as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Name of AE entrusted Name of JE entrusted System Order No.
System Order Number
WO Number
Manual No. Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
WO Date
Date of Issuance of Work Order
Days of Completion
Target Days for Work Completion as per PHED-MIS
Agency Name
Agency Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Amount of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Payment %
Percentage of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Physical Progress %
Achievement of Physical Progress of the work under this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
7 23.85 12.69 53.21  
1 HOWRAH Howrah Division Retrofitting work for providing Functional Household Tap Connection(FHTC) from existing distribution system at Kusberia Mouza of Sarda piped water supply scheme , SM/06721 Retrofitting Additional work for Retrofitting of providing Functional Household Tap Connection from existing distribution system of Sarda piped water supply scheme under Amta-II Block under Howrah Division, PHE Dte. (Part-B) VCH/000246/2021-2022 W/347 07/10/2021 USHA CONCERN 3.52 0.00 0 0
2 HOWRAH Howrah Division Retrofitting work for providing Functional Household Tap Connection(FHTC) from existing distribution system at Kusberia Mouza of Sarda piped water supply scheme , SM/06721 Retrofitting Additional work for Retrofitting of providing Functional Household Tap Connection(FHTC) from existing distribution system at SARDA W/S scheme under Amta-II Block under Howrah Division, PHE Dte. (Part-A) VCH/000812/2021-2022 BP-2021-22-362 28/02/2022 BISWAJIT BAG 4.76 0.00 0 0
3 HOWRAH Howrah Division Retrofitting work for providing Functional Household Tap Connection(FHTC) from existing distribution system at Kusberia Mouza of Sarda piped water supply scheme , SM/06721 Retrofitting Additional Retrofitting Sarda VCH/000974/2021-2022 BP-2021-22-423 21/03/2022 SUMANA ENTERPRISE 2.17 0.00 0 0
4 HOWRAH Central Drilling Retrofitting work for providing Functional Household Tap Connection(FHTC) from existing distribution system at Kusberia Mouza of Sarda piped water supply scheme , SM/06721 Retrofitting PROVIDING PEA SIZE GRAVELS AND BENTONITE POWDER SODIUM BASED AT SITE WITH OTHER WORKS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TUBE WELL AT SARDA W/S SCHEME, AMTA-II BLOCK UNDER HOWRAH DISTRICT, CDD, PHE DTE. ORD/000035/2022-2023 206/CMSD-I (D) 20/06/2022 15 DIPALI CONSTUCTION 2.09 1.73 82.78 0
5 HOWRAH Central Drilling Retrofitting work for providing Functional Household Tap Connection(FHTC) from existing distribution system at Kusberia Mouza of Sarda piped water supply scheme , SM/06721 Retrofitting PROVIDING DRILLING CREWS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TUBE WELL (300 MM X 200 MM X 230 MTRS DEPTH) BY DEPARTMENTAL RIG MACHINE FOR SARDA W/S, AMTA-II BLOCK UNDER HOWRAH DISTRICT, CDD, PHE DTE. ORD/000036/2022-2023 205/CMSD-I (D) 20/06/2022 15 DIPALI CONSTUCTION 3.11 2.94 94.53 0
6 HOWRAH Central Drilling Retrofitting work for providing Functional Household Tap Connection(FHTC) from existing distribution system at Kusberia Mouza of Sarda piped water supply scheme , SM/06721 Retrofitting PROVIDINMG STRAINER CONFORMING TO IS: 12818:2010 WITH OTHER MATERIALS & WORKS AT SITE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TUBE WELL AT AMRAGORI PWSS, AMTA-II, BLOCK UNDER HOWAH DIVISION, CDD, PHE DTE. Driller In Charge Junior Engineer ORD/000051/2022-2023 297/CMSD-I (D) 08/07/2022 15 DIPALI CONSTUCTION 4.76 4.58 96.22 0
7 HOWRAH Central Drilling Retrofitting work for providing Functional Household Tap Connection(FHTC) from existing distribution system at Kusberia Mouza of Sarda piped water supply scheme , SM/06721 Retrofitting PROVIDING HOUSING PIPE CONFORMING TO IS: 12818:2010 WITH OTHER MATERIALS & WORKS AT SITE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TUBE WELL AT AMRAGORI PWSS, AMTA-II BLOCK UNDER HOWRAH DISTRICT, CDD, PHE DTE. ORD/000052/2022-2023 300/CMSD-I (D) 08/07/2022 15 DIPALI CONSTUCTION 3.44 3.44 100 0
Total 23.85 12.69 53.2