Work Order Tracking
Status Report on the Progress and Achievement at Individual Work Order Level

Rs. in Lakh
Sl No. District
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Working Divisions
Schemes for which Work Order has been issued as per PHED-MIS
Scheme Category
Category of Scheme as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Name of AE entrusted Name of JE entrusted System Order No.
System Order Number
WO Number
Manual No. Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
WO Date
Date of Issuance of Work Order
Days of Completion
Target Days for Work Completion as per PHED-MIS
Agency Name
Agency Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Amount of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Payment %
Percentage of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Physical Progress %
Achievement of Physical Progress of the work under this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
34 1,123.04 443 39.45  
1 PURULIA Purulia Division Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Construction of RCC Over Head Reservoir (Intze type with solid raft ) of capacity 200 cum and staging height 20 mtr. with including supply of all labour & materials for Saltora -Hijli W/S Scheme within Raghunathpur Sub-Division of Purulia Division P.H.E Dte. Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer-3 ORD/000176/2022-2023 793/PD 05/05/2022 270 ASHOK KUMAR CHATTERJEE 64.50 38.66 59.94 100
2 PURULIA Purulia Division Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation New Sinking of 200 mm dia 8 (Eight) Nos river bed vertical tubewell alongwith necessary 100 mm dia GI collecting line from River bed Tubewell to common manifold chamber at river bank (Damodar River) under Saltora-Hijli W/S Scheme under Raghunathpur Sub Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/000322/2022-2023 855/PD 23/05/2022 30 ASHOK KUMAR CHATTERJEE 41.13 22.13 53.81 35
3 PURULIA Purulia Division Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Laying of Clear Water Rising Main under Saltore-Hijuli W/S Scheme of Raghunathpur Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/000323/2022-2023 856/PD 23/05/2022 60 BASANTA KUMAR SINGHADEO 51.02 12.58 24.66 25
4 PURULIA Purulia Division Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Construction of Pump House (10 X 7 mtr) at Head Work site under Saltore-Hijuli W/S Scheme of Raghunathpur Sub-Divn under Purulia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/000333/2022-2023 864/PD 23/05/2022 100 M/S SAYAK BHATTACHARYA 15.23 10.99 72.16 100
5 PURULIA Purulia Division Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Construction of RCC Clear water reservoir (CWR) of capacity 100 Cum with other allied works at Damodar river site under Saltora-Hijli W/S Scheme under Raghunathpur Sub-Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer ORD/000334/2022-2023 865/PD 23/05/2022 100 BALAJI UDDYOG 13.87 12.42 89.55 0
6 PURULIA Purulia Division Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Repairing & renovation of of CWR, Office Bldg., Pump Houses and Boundary Wall at Saltora -Hijli W/S Scheme under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer ORD/000336/2022-2023 867/PD 23/05/2022 60 M/S ADITYA KUMAR 6.94 2.97 42.8 50
7 PURULIA Purulia Division Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Construction of Switch Room-Cum-Chlorine Room at River Site under Saltore-Hijuli W/S Scheme within Raghunathpur Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer ORD/000367/2022-2023 330/RNP 01/06/2022 90 SUBRATA SINGHADEO 4.48 4.04 90.18 95
8 PURULIA Purulia Division Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Construction of Boundary wall, RCC Pillar, gate, Barbed wire at Saltore-Hijuli OHR Campus under Saltore-Hijuli W/S Scheme under Raghunathpur Sub-Division, P.H.E. Dte. (Total length of Boundary Wall 40.00 mtr.) Assistant Engineer ORD/000368/2022-2023 332/RNP 01/06/2022 21 AMIT PATHAK 3.65 3.64 99.73 100
9 PURULIA Purulia Division Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Construction of Switch Room-Cum-Chlorine Room at OHR Site under Saltore-Hijuli W/S Scheme within Raghunathpur Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer ORD/000370/2022-2023 331/RNP 01/06/2022 90 DEBANJAN SEAL 4.46 4.44 99.55 100
10 PURULIA Purulia Division Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Soil Investigation for determination the safe bearing capacity and other relevant parameters of soil for construction of O.H.R. at Saltore-Hijuli W/S Scheme within Raghunathpur Sub-Division of Purulia Division P.H.E Dte. Assistant Engineer ORD/000404/2022-2023 343/RNP 01/06/2022 30 G.TECH INDIA 1.40 0.97 69.29 75
11 PURULIA Purulia Division Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Distribution System with FHTC work (285 Nos.) of Saltore-Hijuli Piped Water Supply Scheme of Raghunathpur Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. Part-I Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/000504/2022-2023 1009/PD 29/06/2022 45 PARTHA PRATIM CHHATAIT 110.11 56.34 51.17 0
12 PURULIA Purulia Division Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Additional work for Construction of Switch Room Cum Chlorine Room at OHR Site of Saltore-Hijuli W/S Scheme within Raghunathpur Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. (Part -I) Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/000527/2023-2024 399/RNP 05/09/2023 15 DEBANJAN SEAL 0.94 0.94 100 100
13 PURULIA Purulia Division Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Additional work for Construction of Switch Room Cum Chlorin Room at OHR Site of Saltore-Hijuli W/S Scheme within Raghunathpur Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. (Part - II) Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/000530/2023-2024 397/RNP 05/09/2023 15 DEBANJAN SEAL 0.97 0.97 100 100
14 PURULIA Purulia Division Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Distribution System with FHTC work and construction of Boundary wall at OHR Site of Saltore-Hijuli Piped Water Supply Scheme of Raghunathpur Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. Part-II Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/000913/2022-2023 1891/PD 15/12/2022 60 BALAJI UDDYOG 204.07 83.16 40.75 35
15 PURULIA Purulia Division Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Distribution System with FHTC work and construction of approach road at Pump House of Saltore-Hijuli Piped Water Supply Scheme of Raghunathpur Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. Part-III Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/000929/2022-2023 1892/PD 15/12/2022 60 PRAVAT SARKAR 99.55 80.18 80.54 88
16 PURULIA Purulia Division Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Additional work for Restoration work by construction of RCC Retaining wall for protection work of dedicated transformer at Saltore-Hijuli CWR site of Saltore-Hijuli W/S Scheme of Raghunathpur Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. (Handed over to PRI Bodies ) Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/001291/2022-2023 273/6/RNP 19/05/2022 15 BASANTA KUMAR SINGHADEO 0.88 0.00 0 0
17 PURULIA Purulia Division Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Material Requisition To Resource Division RTOR000009/2022-2023 958/PD 20/06/2022 Resource Division 158.64 0.00 0 0
18 PURULIA Purulia Division Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Material Requisition To Resource Division RTOR000021/2022-2023 979/PD 22/06/2022 Resource Division 118.82 0.00 0 0
19 PURULIA Purulia Division Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Material Requisition To Resource Division RTOR000043/2022-2023 426/PD 21/03/2023 Resource Division 37.42 0.00 0 0
20 PURULIA Purulia Division Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Continuation work order for Preparation of DPR (consultancy work) in connection with the Functional Household Connection of different existing PWSS (Saltore- Hijuli W/S Scheme block- Neturia) to be augmented/ Retrofitting under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. (Tender No- 973/2021-22 of EE/PD) VCH/000969/2022-2023 BP-2022-23-137 19/07/2022 M/S TECH VISION 0.41 0.00 0 0
21 PURULIA Purulia Division Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Preparation of DPR (consultancy work) in connection with the Functional Household Connection of different existing PWSS (Saltore- Hijuli W/S Scheme block- Neturia) to be augmented/ Retrofitting under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. (Tender No- 543/2021-22 of EE/PD) VCH/000970/2022-2023 BP-2022-23-138 19/07/2022 M/S TECH VISION 4.08 0.00 0 0
22 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation New service connection at Saltore Hijuli OHR site BILL/00111/2024-2025 BP-24-25-15 24/05/2024 WBSEDCL SALTORE CCC 0.11 0.00 0 null
23 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Quotation for removal of one 63 KVA DTR along with one span HT & one span LT line at the premises of Saltore Hijuli PHE BILL/00435/2023-2024 BP-23-24-222 05/12/2023 WBSEDCL PURULIA 0.09 0.00 0 0
24 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Supply delivery installation of 1kg/hr gaseous chlorination system for Augmentation of Saltore Hijuli Water Supply scheme Block Neturia under PMD PHE Dte. District Purulia. ASSISTANT ENGINEER JUNIOR ENGINEER ORD/000040/2023-2024 446/PMD 20/04/2023 30 T.N.BANERJEE 21.56 16.62 77.09 50
25 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Supply, Delivery and installation of 8 nos. River bed submersible pumps motor sets with other allied works for SALTORE HIJULI w/s scheme under PMD, PHE Dte. in the District of Purulia. ASSISTANT ENGINEER JUNIOR ENGINEER ORD/000058/2023-2024 527/PMD 05/05/2023 60 INDRAJIT MITRA 23.50 21.09 89.74 8
26 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Supply, delivery and Installation of Submersible pumping machineries for newly constructed tube wells and other allied works for Augmentation of Saltore hijuli W/S scheme under PMD Dte. in the District Purulia. ASSISTANT ENGINEER JUNIOR ENGINEER ORD/000058/2024-2025 976/PMD 20/06/2024 60 BISHWANATH NANDI 8.76 0.00 0 70
27 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Supply and delivery of Free chlorine test kit at different Pumping water supply scheme under Purulia Mechanical Division, PHE Dte .in the District Purulia ASSISTANT ENGINEER JUNIOR ENGINEER ORD/000321/2023-2024 46/PMSD(W/S) 08/02/2024 15 M/S R.K. ENTERPRISE 0.94 0.00 0 100
28 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Supply, Delivery and installation of CWR Submersible pumping machineries, MCC Panels, flow meter with others allied works for Augmentation at SALTORE HIJULI ( ZONE-3) w/s scheme under PMD, PHE Dte. in the District of Purulia. ASSISTANT ENGINEER JUNIOR ENGINEER ORD/000347/2022-2023 132/PMD 20/02/2023 60 M/S D. PALIT & CO. 27.01 11.92 44.13 35
29 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Supply, Delivery and installation of Centrifugal pumping machineries, MCC Panels, flow meter, HOT crane with others allied works for Augmentation at SALTORE HIJULI (ZONE-1 and 2) w/s scheme under PMD, PHE Dte. in the District of Purulia . ASSISTANT ENGINEER JUNIOR ENGINEER ORD/000349/2022-2023 134/PMD 20/02/2023 60 PROGRESIVE ENGINEERS CO-OPERATIVE SOCITY LTD. 70.46 51.31 72.82 75
30 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Supply delivery and fitting fixing of the luminaries external and internal lighting with others allied works at SALTORE HIJULI w/s scheme under PMD, PHE Dte. in the District of Purulia. ASSISTANT ENGINEER JUNIOR ENGINEER ORD/000350/2022-2023 135/PMD 20/02/2023 60 BISHWANATH NANDI 7.64 7.63 99.87 0
31 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Supply, delivery and fitting fixing of Mainswitch and cable for Pumphouse and internal and external illumination of OHR site for Augmentation at Saltore Hijuli(Zone-1 & 2) w/s supply scheme under PMD,PHE Dte .in the District of Purulia. ASSISTANT ENGINEER JUNIOR ENGINEER ORD/000391/2023-2024 376/PMD 04/03/2024 60 PROGRESSIVE ENGINEERS CO. OPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD. 10.49 0.00 0 50
32 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Testing commissioning of Gaseous chlorination system and extension of solution line upto OLD CWR for Augmentation at Saltore Hijuli (Zone-1 & 2) under PMD, PHE Dte in the district of Purulia. (2ND Call) ORD/000566/2024-2025 353/PMSD(W/S) 04/09/2024 10 BISHWANATH NANDI 0.81 0.00 0 0
33 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation Supply and installation of automatically controlled diaphragm type Chlorinator dosing pump with Piping & structural works in connection with Disinfection arrangement System for zone-III & Miscellaneous works at Pump House under Saltore-Hijuli W/S Scheme, Purulia Mechanical Division, P.H.E Dte. ASSISTANT ENGINEER JUNIOR ENGINEER ORD/000642/2024-2025 1574/PMD 14/11/2024 60 BISHWANATH NANDI 4.42 0.00 0 0
34 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Augmentation of Saltore-Hijuli Water Supply Scheme , SM/10721 Augmentation ENHANCEMENT OF CONTRACTUAL DEMAND FOR AUGMENTATION OF SALTORE HIJULI WATER SUPPLY SCHEME VCH/000425/2022-2023 BP-22-23-85 28/02/2023 WBSEDCL PURULIA 4.68 0.00 0 0
Total 1,123.05 443.00 39.45