G6- Division wise Store Data (Issue)

Alipurduar Division
Item :D.I. Pipe (MI/01862) , Dia(mm):100, Class :K9
Sl. No. Transaction Date HR Number Wo Number WO Date Work Name Agency Scheme Issue
1 03/04/2024 TRN/000007/2024-2025 Opening Stock ( SM/10027 ) 82.5
2 03/04/2024 ISS/000001/2024-2025 675/ALD 06/03/2024 Laying of distribution line with HDPE,UPVC and CI/DI pipes, laying of paver block at pump house no-1 and 2 and providing FHTC for Aug. Of Tapshikhata PWSS under Alipurduar Division. TAPASH DAS AUGMENTATION OF TAPASHIKHATA PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME ( SM/10676 ) 82.5