G6- Division wise Store Data (Issue)

Nadia Division
Item :Gun Metal Ferrule (MI/03112) , Dia(mm):10
Sl. No. Transaction Date HR Number Wo Number WO Date Work Name Agency Scheme Issue
1 16/12/2024 TRN/000186/2024-2025 Providing FHTC Surface Water Based Water Supply Scheme(Northern Sector), Part-I, Zone-V and VIII within Kaliganj Block.(Phase-C) ( SM/08668 ) 240
2 16/12/2024 ISS/000037/2024-2025 6713/ND 30/10/2024 Left-out Functional Household Tap Connection including Balance Laying of different dia UPVC pipe and other allied works etc. all complete of Gangnapur W/S Scheme (for Gangnapur and Korabari Mouza) under Ranaghat Sub Division of Nadia Divisio P.H. Enginee APURBA MANDAL Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for GANGNAPUR to Accommodate FHTC in Ranaghat-II block of Nadia District under Nadia Division PHE Dte. ( SM/10524 ) 240