G6- Division wise Store Data (Issue)

Nadia Division
Item :Gun Metal Ferrule (MI/03112) , Dia(mm):10
Sl. No. Transaction Date HR Number Wo Number WO Date Work Name Agency Scheme Issue
1 16/07/2024 TRN/000162/2024-2025 Providing FHTC Surface Water Based Water Supply Scheme(Northern Sector), Part-I, Zone-I, II AND IV within Kaliganj Block.(Phase-C) ( SM/08956 ) 1,700
2 16/07/2024 ISS/000015/2024-2025 3376/ND 14/06/2024 Laying of Distribution System including specials, valves & pipe carrying structure all complete and Providing FHTC including supplying, laying, fitting, fixing of 15mm NB PVC (schedule 80)/20mm OD HDPE (PE100, PN16) pipe with all necessary specials, saddl M/S DIPAK ENTERPRISE Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for NAZIRPUR to Accommodate FHTC in Tehatta-I block of Nadia district underNadia division. ( SM/09452 ) 1,700