List of villages where scheme Approved in SlSSC

SL No District
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Gram Panchayat
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Retrofitting/ Augmentation Scheme under Parent Scheme as per PHED-MIS
TSM Code
Temporary Scheme Code as per PHED-MIS
Total Households
Household information of the Covered Villages as per JJM-IMIS
Approved FHTC Count considered under the Village Modified after appropriation in YDU as per PHED-MIS
2 1,609 1,623
1 ALIPURDUAR Kumargram CHENGMARI Bara Daldal F.H.T.C Under Jaldhara/Jalswapna including retrofitting of existing distribution System under the command area of Barobisa Piped Water Supply Scheme (Zone-1,Phase-1)(SM/07185) TSM/005877 571 572
2 ALIPURDUAR Kumargram VOLKA BAROBISHA-I Barabisa F.H.T.C Under Jaldhara/Jalswapna including retrofitting of existing distribution System under the command area of Barobisa Piped Water Supply Scheme (Zone-1,Phase-1)(SM/07185) TSM/005877 1,038 1,051
Total 1,609 1,623