SL No | District As per Census (2011) |
Division | Scheme Type Type of Scheme as per PHED-MIS |
Scheme SM code | Scheme Schemes Sanctioned after approval in SLSSC post 2019-2020 as per PHED-MIS |
Name of JE entrusted | Total Households Household information of the Covered Villages as per JJM-IMIS |
FHTCs Sanctioned FHTC Count considered under the Schemes as per PHED-MIS |
Cost Sanctioned Implementation Cost considered under the Schemes as per PHED-MIS |
AAFS Date Date of Administrative and Financial Approval as per PHED-MIS |
Tender Status Status of Tender Invitation as per PHED-MIS |
WO Status Status of Work Order Issuance as per PHED-MIS |
1 | 1,18,696 | 39,657 | 49,821.56 | |||||||||
1 | PURBA MEDINIPUR | Project Implementation Unit,Purba Midnapur(ADB) | New | SM/18402 | Providing Safe Drinking Water with House to House Connection for Covering 215 Mouzas under Nandakumar & Chandipur Block of the District of Purba Medinipur | Sri Bikas Pramanik, JE/Midnapur Mechanical Sub-Division-I,Sri, Bikas Pramanik, JE, Estimator MMD | 1,18,696 | 39,657 | 49,821.56 | 12/07/2023 | Yes | Yes |
Total | 1,18,696 | 39,657 | 49,821.56 |